

Win with smart connections: Track your assets the way Gretzky tracks a puck.

一天,在工作中,一位同事分享了一个关于韦恩·格雷茨基的故事, 史上最伟大的冰球运动员之一. 尽管格雷茨基不是最快或最强的球员, 他以总是在正确的时间出现在正确的地点而闻名.

According to the story — when Wayne was a kid he would track the movement of a puck on a piece of paper as he watched a game — without ever taking his eyes off the game. When the game was over the scrawls on the paper showed him w在这里 the puck flow was concentrated and w在这里 the pencil barely touched the paper. This activity helped him anticipate and predict w在这里 the puck might go, 让他在竞争中占据优势.


As my colleague recounted the story it reminded me of the location analytics provided by our 阿尔卡特朗讯企业OmniAccess®恒星资产跟踪 解决方案. What Gretzky did was essentially create a heat map of the puck location, 与我们的ALE资产跟踪解决方案创建的热图没有什么不同. 对于Gretzky, knowing the concentrated location of the puck made him more efficient and effective at scoring goals. 为企业, 了解资产的位置可以提高作业效率, 安全甚至保安. Knowing w在这里 assets are and how they are used provides the intelligence missing from traditional asset management.


企业间资产的扩散已经增加. 然而, even assets that are supposed to help improve productivity can also create challenges, 组织的瓶颈和痛点.


• Large numbers of assets with no real-time info about the assets or their location

• Underutilized assets with no visibility on how and when the assets are used

• Over-purchasing in an attempt to solve the issue of not being able to locate assets

• Reduced staff productivity and job satisfaction when employees spend, 每天30分钟, 平均, 寻找资产


•员工和病人/客户的安全. Some cities have laws in the hospital industry w在这里 client facing employees must be provided with a safety button or notification device

•资产维护,如静脉泵等大量资产, or fire extinguishers require regular maintenance to meet industry-specific standards

Most of the issues above can directly impact an enterprise’s bottom line, 让员工的生活变得困难,影响他们的工作效率. Millions of dollars are wasted each year on assets that are lost or misplaced. 一个这样的例子是在加拿大 $1.2 million of medical equipment was stolen from the Toronto Western Hospital.


The OmniAccess恒星资产跟踪 解决方案 provides a cost efficient 解决方案 required in healthcare and other industries. 基于低功耗蓝牙(BLE)技术, OmniAccess恒星资产跟踪 uses the latest cloud technologies to deliver a real-time, 高精度, 低延迟的解决方案.

OmniAccess恒星资产跟踪解决方案 由以下部分组成:


- OmniVista®卷云资产跟踪



- BLE标签(资产标签、卡片标签): BLE tags with built-in sensors such as temperature and accelerometer which can be leveraged to address enterprise use cases. Accelerometers ensure optimized battery life by reducing communication when assets are not moving. 这些标签附加到资产上.

- OmniAccess恒星AP1201BG - BLE/IOT网关: The AP1201BG receives signals from BLE tags and forwards them to the Stellar Asset Tracking cloud using existing WLAN and LAN infrastructure to identify the location of the tags. The Stellar AP1201BG supports technologies including BLE and ZigBee to provide enterprise 物联网 deployment and is an ideal gateway for most 物联网 needs.

- Autocalibration标签: Autocalibration标签 improve the location accuracy of the 解决方案 without requiring manual fingerprinting.

The BLE infrastructure can also be used for Location-based 服务 (LBS) such as way-finding, 地理围栏和地理通知提高客户参与度.


OmniVista卷 is a cloud-based management system that provides asset tracking configuration, BLE基础设施状态, geofence, 地理通知和资产搜索. 它提供了一个分析仪表板和管理报告工具. 和, it has a built-in location engine that provides 高精度 location based on the 一流的BLE基础设施.

OmniVista卷 securely communicates with the AP1201BG to receive location frames from the BLE tags, 然后用它来确定资产的位置. 地点在地图上显示出来. Employees can also search any asset based on name or category to locate assets in real-time.


Stellar Asset tracking mobile app provides asset tracking services essential for mobile workers. These services include Asset provisioning, Asset Search, and tags Inventory management. Mobile workers such as nurses and hotel operations managers can provision BLE tags and associate them with assets by scanning the BLE tag QR code. They can search assets while on the go and assets that are available near them will be visible on a map showing the precise location.

Just as Gretzky used location analytics (albeit using paper and pencil) to make smart connections on ice, your organization can benefit from the smart connections that asset tracking can bring to your business.

了解更多关于如何 阿尔卡特朗讯企业全方位访问恒星访问跟踪 解决方案 can optimize your enterprise and improve security and safety.




西班牙时, WLAN和定位服务产品管理总监, 谁负责驱动无线局域网, 基于资产跟踪和位置的服务产品组合. Anish has 11 years of experience in managing various networking product portfolios including Routers, 无线局域网和位置服务. In the past he has managed the engineering team developing various routing protocols including MPLS, OSPF, 边界网关协议, 把, 和多播.





而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.



Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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一个现代, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 
