什么是GPON ? GPON是否适合您的酒店?

安娜-马塔- 140 x140

In this last blog of the Smart 热情好客 Networks series, we explore the GPON network type and safer alternatives for 酒店s

GPON一直是业界的热词 酒店火狐体育手机, especially in large 酒店 networks lately, as we were exploring in the last blog post 哪种网络架构最适合每种类型的酒店. GPON vendors are being very proactive in proposing passive optical LAN (POL) architectures to 酒店iers, claiming cost efficiency reasons regarding traditional Ethernet LAN, as they say that POL allows to optimize the cabling and distribution switching costs.

Although the costs reduction may be true and the optical infrastructure could make sense in certain scenarios, 然而, 我们将在这个博客中看到 pure POL cannot satisfy the level of services and redundancy that are required in most of mid and high range 酒店s. To provide a satisfactory solution, at ALE, we have developed a 混合POL结构(H-POL) to complement POL infrastructures with increased security and intelligence, thanks to the advanced Ethernet LAN and WLAN features and services implemented in ALE switches and Stellar APs, 也 as the redundancy options at all levels of the network.



一方面, the fiber cable plant of the POL reduces the investment and maintenance costs on copper cabling and active equipment, 也 as other related expenses like power consumption, 冷却和技术室的空间. These savings may be relevant especially in large 酒店s and resorts with long distances or located in tropical climates. 在另一边, the OmniSwitch LAN switches and Stellar APs deployed on the edge of the optical network, 克服了POL功能的约束和限制, 提供:

•可靠性和可行性高, 在所有层面上都是完全冗余的, 消除单点故障, 比如ont, that cannot be connected to the network through redundant links.

•高品质, 最先进的企业级WLAN, 具有分布式控制和无缝快速漫游, to satisfy the most demanding requirements for the guest Wi-Fi service. 尽管一些ONT型号提供Wi-Fi, ont是“隔离的”设备, 考虑到住宅市场的单个用户/家庭, and lack of professional WLAN features like seamless roaming, 智能射频控制, 自动故障转移或粘客户端避免, 这对酒店业至关重要. Besides, the ONT product cycle does not necessarily fit to the evolution of the Wi-Fi standards.

• Ethernet LAN capabilities and powering options that cannot be provided by ONTs: Medium to high IP port density, MultiGig端口和以太网高级协议, 像SPB, 在OmniSwitch LAN交换机中. 支持直流和PoE, LAN交换机的PoE+和HPoE选项, 以满足任何物联网设备的电源需求, 即使是那些最渴望权力的人, 和WLAN ap.

•简化了LAN和WLAN的操作, 得益于集中统一管理, OmniVista中的智能分析和网络统计.

•客人和酒店员工档案管理, 统一接入, 网络配置文件, 客户登录, 俘虏门户, BYOD...

•其他酒店增值服务, 比如LBS和物联网支持, seamlessly integrated with the ALE networking solutions and management.

总之, we can say that ALE H-POL takes advantage of both worlds, POL和以太网LAN和WLAN, offering combined benefits in terms of cost savings and performance, for those customers w在这里 an optical network infrastructure makes sense (typically large 酒店s and resorts with long distances).

冈田马尼拉度假村: a high-demand hospitality network addressed with H-POL

冈田马尼拉度假村 is the largest integrated casino and resort in the Philippines. The challenge in this case was to respond to extremely demanding scalability, 可靠性和安全性要求, while providing a high level of network capabilities and functionalities.




• 500 gaming tables and 3000 老虎机 in the casino



•最多20个,在高峰时段接待客人和外部客户, who need to be able to connect their devices transparently and securely, 并拥有出色的用户体验.

All the above had to be connected to the same 酒店 network.

因为度假村内的距离很长, a fiber infrastructure based on passive optical network (H-POL we mentioned above) was chosen, which meant an optimization of the wiring costs and distribution switching.  然而, to provide connectivity to the high volume of servers and wired devices, 并满足先进的网络功能, 以及所需的可靠性水平, ALE deployed a hybrid H-POL network with a campus core of OmniSwitch 6900 交换机和接入层组成 OmniSwitch 6450 连接到POL的边缘.

The IP connectivity to all the wired devices in the casino (gaming tables, 老虎机, 工作站), 在零售区域和酒店房间(iptv), WLAN APs, IP phone)由OS6450交换机提供, each one connected to the optical network through two SPF ONTs and redundant uplinks. 有一个完整的冗余网络, olt的, the core switches OS6900 and the links between them are duplicated, 也.

The H-POL network solution at 冈田马尼拉度假村 provides the necessary redundancy, 安全性和可伸缩性, ensuring critical network connectivity and quality of service in the gaming area, 酒店, 零售空间. 阅读全文 冈田马尼拉度假村 故事. 

要了解更多信息, 下载酒店网络解决方案指南

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安娜马塔 joined Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise in 2008 and has developed several roles in the company since then.

She is currently 网络解决方案全球业务线经理, focused on the sales enablement and evolution of different network product lines, 包括无线局域网, SASE和SD-WAN以及基于云的网络管理.

Ana has previous experience in the Government and 热情好客 industries, 支持ALE的垂直转型.

She holds a degree in Mathematics BSc from the Complutense University of Madrid, followed by a postgraduate master from the Department of Statistics and Operations Research.





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一个现代, campus-wide network upgrade aligns capabilities with academic, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 

标签- 热情好客
