Aviation takes on security before threats turn into reality


威胁出现得很快,演变得也很快. Proactive security solutions that can prevent, detect and respond rapidly are crucial to the aviation industry.

安全 and emergency management are high on the radar for the aviation industry. 今天, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) indicate that more than 100,000 commercial flights take off and land, transporting on average 1 million people over 54,每天000条路线, and those figures are expected to double over the next 20 years. Managing and dealing with security will only be heightened as the industry continues its rapid expansion.

Man talking on mobile in an airplane hangar for blog post

Airports are vast with large areas that must be secured at all times. 多个建筑, 络绎不绝的人流, 24/7 air traffic and the storage of goods, are only some of the considerations that aviation operators need to think about. 安全解决方案必须提供:

• Secure and reliable communications to ensure uninterrupted service

• Situational awareness to get the right information, to the right place, at the right time

• Information sharing to coordinate actions between stakeholders

• Integration and interoperability with the airport’s Operational Control Center

The airline and airport industry are embracing new technologies such as 物联网 to help reduce costs, improve maintenance operations and enhance surveillance systems. While new technologies can improve operations, they can also create opportunities for new vulnerabilities.

Surveillance camera in airport for blog post

Airports and airlines continue to be attractive targets for terrorists, 网络黑客, 内部威胁, 人口贩卖, 还有非法移民, in addition to other threats such as mass casualty incidents. According to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the industry currently receives more than 1,每月000次网络攻击. Cyber-attacks can include taking a network off line, interference with ground communications, 业务中断, 以及对公司品牌的损害, 其他影响. A cyber security strategy that provides a layered approach can protect different aspects of the network. And an up-to-date communications network with appropriate security measures will reduce the risk of successful cyber-attacks. With a Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) that leverages BOTs, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Information Systems Databases, airport authorities can create new services to improve detection and reaction, 通知利益相关者问题, and inform passengers about potential threats.

Learn more about how airport systems can provide the building blocks that help reduce the risk of threats in the aviation industry. 查看我们的ALE 机场解决方案’, or take a deeper dive into the transportation industry with our e-zine, “快进”.



Solution Marketing, 运输, 能源及公用事业, ALE

As Solution Manager for 运输, 能源及公用事业, Enrique is responsible for creating solutions, value propositions and content for these different sectors, 支持全球ALE销售团队. With over 15 years of experience in the telecommunications industry, specialising in the enterprise market, Enrique was part of the ALE International Central Presales team, providing extensive support to sales and presales teams worldwide. His expertise includes end-to-end solutions, network VoIP design, UCC and UCaaS solutions.




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